Selasa, 29 Januari 2013

Peanut Cookies

You don't need much special equipment to make peanut cookies.

If you don't have a food processor, you can pound the peanuts with a mortar and pestle.

The ingredients are mixed together in a bowl. It's done by the time you drag your electric mixer out and set it up.

You don't need a cutter to shape the cookies; you just need 10 fingers (or thereabouts).

No oven? No problem! You can pan-fry peanuts on the stove. Surely you need an oven to bake the cookies? Nope, you can do that in a frying pan or wok on the stove. The cookies are quite firm once they're cooked, so you can flip them over easily.

Besides being quick and easy, peanut cookies are cheap as chips. How much does it cost? About 5 cents per cookie. How can you resist such a good bargain?

Peanuts may be the least glamorous in the world of nuts but they pack one hell of an aroma. Why do you think peanut butter is so popular? Cookies made with peanuts are inexpensive, idiot-proof and quick. But you can bake these nutty treats even if you're a billionaire, your IQ is over 200, and you have all the time in the world. I do . . . . *fall off chair laughing*

Source: adapted from All About Kueh and Pastries
(Recipe for 65 pieces)

200 g plain flour
sift with icing sugar
150 g icing sugar
¼ tsp salt
200 g + 50 g peanuts, with peel
roast in oven set at 200°C (no preheating needed); when peel is dry, remove 50 g from oven and, when cool, rub off and discard peel; bake remaining 200 g till brown and fragrant, then peel when cool and grind till fine-medium
140 ml peanut oil
1 yolk
beat thoroughly with 2 tsp water

Preheat oven to 180°C. Line baking tray with parchment paper.

Mix flour, sugar and salt. Add 200 g ground peanuts. Mix thoroughly. Add oil. Mix till even, adding more oil if crumbly, or more plain flour if sticky.

Divide dough into small pieces weighing 10 g each. Roll each piece into a ball. Place balls on baking tray spaced about 3 cm apart. Garnish with remaining whole peanuts, 1 per ball, pressing nuts firmly into dough.

Bake cookies till peanuts on top are lightly browned, about 10 minutes. Brush with egg yolk. Continue baking till cookies are well browned, 5-10 minutes. Transfer cookies to wire rack. Leave till cool. Serve immediately or store airtight.

Minggu, 20 Januari 2013

Cashew Nut Cookies

Cashew nut cookies are pretty easy going. These bite-size morsels don't mind if you put in more of this or less of that.

You can use more cashews and less flour if you like your cookies really nutty.

Add more sugar if you have a sweet tooth.

Add more eggs if you like softer, more tender cookies, less if you like more "snap".

You want very buttery cookies? Add more butter of course. If the dough is too soft to handle because you've added an obscene amount of fat, or eggs, just pop it in the freezer to firm up.

I don't think anyone would have problems making cashew nut cookies (unless you're the sort who burns everything).

Hmm, there's only so much I can say about a recipe that's dead easy.

What can I do to pad up this post (besides putting each sentence in a new paragraph)?

Hey, I know! We haven't had a knock-knock joke for a while. Here we go:

Knock knock!

Who's there?

Cashew nut!

Cashew nut who?

Cash, you nut! I want cold, hard cash in ang pows.

Yup, it's that time of the year again. Are you busy preparing for the Spring Festival? Hope you have time to bake some CNY goodies. Happy Year of the (Water) Snake, folks!

Source: Adapted from All About Kueh and Pastries
(Recipe for about 180 pieces)

150 g unsalted butter
180 g castor sugar
1 tsp vanilla extract
1 egg, about 50 g
¼ tsp salt
200 g plain flour, sift with baking powder
½ tsp baking powder
200 g untoasted cashew nuts
bake untoasted nuts at 160°C till brown and fragrant, 15 minutes or so; leave till cool; chop roughly with knife; mince in food processor till fine, leaving some larger bits for bite
130 g untoasted medium size cashew nuts
split nuts into 2 halves to yield around 180 pieces

2 yolks, beaten

Whisk butter and sugar till pale and fluffy. Add egg, vanilla extract and salt. Whisk till smooth. Add flour and baking powder. Mix till shaggy. Add toasted cashew nuts. Mix till even. If sticky, sprinkle with 1-2 tsp plain flour and mix again, or chill till firm enough to handle.

Dusting with plain flour, roll dough thickish, about 4 mm. Cut with cutter just slightly bigger than a cashew nut. Traditionally, cashew nut cookies are shaped like cashew nuts.

Place cookies on baking tray lined with parchment paper. Brush lightly with yolk. Gently press 1 cashew halve onto each cookie, flat side down. Lightly brush cashews with egg yolk.

Bake at 160°C till golden brown, about 20 minutes. Remove cookies to wire rack. Leave till cool. Store airtight if not eaten immediately.

Sabtu, 12 Januari 2013

Pineapple Tarts

Good pineapple tarts start with good pineapple jam. Where does good pineapple jam start? Readymade, in a plastic bag? Common sense tells you that jam stored without refrigeration for god knows how long, in a plastic bag which can't be sterilized and isn't vacuum sealed, must be stuffed full of preservatives. And yet, the ingredients listed don't include preservatives. I wouldn't eat that kind of jam even if you paid me.

There's no reason why readymade pineapple jam can't be good, in theory. In practice, however, all those I've seen are of extremely dubious quality.

Making good pineapple jam is quite straightforward. It's basically mashed pineapple cooked with sugar till thick, and flavoured with star anise, cinnamon and sometimes cloves.

Some people drain the juice from the pineapple and make jam without the juice. That's just crazy. It's so stupid I shan't explain why it's stupid. If you can't figure out why it's stupid, you should stick to the simple stuff, like boiling water.

Some people throw away the woody core of the pineapple. That's not necessary because the core contains pulp, without which there'd no jam. But you must process it till it's totally smooth. Unlike the juicy part, it doesn't break down when heated so it must be very finely ground.

What type of pineapple should you use? Not the fancy, expensive ones that are extra juicy and extra sweet. You want cheap and cheerful pineapples that are fibrous, pulpy and rather sour. In fact, the pineapples should be no more than half-ripe so that the acidity can balance the sugar added to the jam.

A wok is essential for making pineapple jam, because it allows the juice to evaporate quickly. Combined with the maximum heat possible on the stove, the cooking takes about 45 minutes. That's not too bad, is it? And you have to stir constantly only during the last 10 minutes or so, after the pineapple turns light brown. Really not too bad at all, I'd say.

The jam filling for pineapple tarts should be stiff but not too stiff or it'd too hard, too chewy, and too sticky. With closed tarts, what you see when the jam is cool is pretty much what you'll get after baking. With open tarts, OTOH, the exposed filling dries up in the oven. It might be just right after it's baked, or maybe not. That's why open tarts are more difficult to make than closed ones.

The pastry recipe I'm sharing makes a very tender, melt-in-the mouth crust. The butter is not rubbed in, not creamed, not melted, but boiled. Flour is tipped into boiling butter, then mixed thoroughly. This makes a dough that has no gluten at all because the protein in the flour is totally coated with fat, not water. Without gluten, the baked pastry is melt-in-the-mouth tender even without eggs. And it's very buttery because there're  no eggs to mask the taste of the butter.

Enough talk; time for action. Here's how I make fruity, preservative-free, not-too-sweet pineapple jam wrapped in buttery, melt-in-the-mouth pastry:

((Recipe for about 90 pieces)
Filling (makes about 850 g)
2 pineapples, about 1.2 kg each, underripe, rather sour, fibrous, pulpy, not too juicy
peel and remove eyes to yield about 1.3 kg in total; rinse and drain thoroughly; chop and blend woody cores till totally smooth, and juicy part till roughly minced
1 star anise
5 cm cinnamon stick, split lengthwise
500 g sugar
Pastry (source: David Lebovitz)
360 g unsalted butter
60 ml vegetable oil
75 ml water
60 g sugar
½ tsp salt
600 g plain flour

1 egg yolk, beaten
90 cloves, or thereabouts

To make filling, put all ingredients in a non-reactive wok. Cook over maximum heat till almost dry, 10-15 minutes. Add sugar and stir till melted. Continue cooking, stirring from time to time, till light brown and starting to thicken, about 20 minutes. Lower heat from maximum to high. Cook till medium brown and just thick enough to hold its shape, another 10 minutes or so, stirring constantly to prevent burning. Turn off heat. Refrigerate 1 tbsp filling till slightly cool to touch. Press to check consistency. If too soft, cook another few more minutes. If too hard or too sticky, add 1-2 tbsp water and mix evenly.

When filling is cool, roll into little balls weighing 9-10 g each. Leave in freezer till firm, 30 minutes or longer.

To make pastry, put all ingredients except flour in a pot. Over high heat, bring to a boil. Continue boiling till foam subsides and colour darkens. Alternatively, weigh pot and contents before heating, then boil till weight is reduced by about 65 g.

Turn off heat. Tip flour into pot. Mix thoroughly and leave till just cool enough to handle. Knead to make sure mixing is even, adjusting with 1-2 tbsp water if mixture is crumbly, or 1-2 tsp plain flour if sticky. Divide into little balls weighing 11-12 g each.

To assemble, remove pineapple balls from freezer in batches so that they stay firm and easy to handle. Flatten ball of dough with palm. Place filling in middle of dough. Seal and roll as shown in video.

To bake, preheat oven to 190°C (375°F). Place tarts on baking tray lined with parchment paper. Brush thoroughly with egg yolk. Garnish with cloves. Bake till golden brown, 20-25 minutes. Don't overbake or filling would be hard and too chewy. Remove tray from oven. Wait till tarts are firm enough to handle, 5-10 minutes. Transfer to wire rack. When cool, store in airtight containers. Refrigerate if keeping for more than a few days. Serve at room temperature, discarding cloves before eating. Tarts are best when filling and pastry have had a few hours to firm up after baking.